Maui 17.03 – “Cuba Libre” released


Maui 17.03 “Cuba Libre”

The Maui Team is happy to announce the release of Maui 17.03 – Cuba Libre.

This release comes with plenty new package updates and KDE Plasma 5.9.3.
It also ships Frameworks 5.31, Qt 5.7.1 and LTS Linux Kernel 4.4.0~65.
Firefox was updated to version 51 and Thunderbird to version 45.

Calamares Installer

Calamares has been updated to its latest version 3.1.

New Volume applet


Instead of the standard Volume applet, this release ships the Volume applet from “Zren” found also in the KDE Store:

Minimize All

This release restores the Minimize All functionality as a hot corner trigger (instead of the default “Show Desktop”).
Touching the lower right corner once with your mouse cursor minimizes all windows, while doing it right again brings them all up in the previous order.
If you continue with something else after minimizing, they will STAY minimized and not move up and in your way again.

Plymouth KCM

We now ship the Plymouth kcm in the system settings, which allows easy installation and switching of Plymouth startup themes.

Updated Repositories

Started with the previous Maui release, we continued to update our repository S3 infrastructure.
Our goal is to provide a very stable user experience with the option to have ongoing updates of KDE software.
Therefore we are providing part-rolling releases of KDE Neon packages, allowing us to test new updates to Maui’s base thouroughly, while allowing everyone to decide for themselves if or when they want to update to a newer available Plasma or KDE Frameworks 5 version.


You can get the new version fresh from our download site ( )
If you have questions or want to report an issue, please visit our forums ( )