A short update on what’s coming up:
While we are preparing Maui 2 “Blue Tang” (which is just around the corner and should become available after testing the last bits and pieces of Plasma 5.8.2), we have also moved our infrastructure to S3 repositories and made them available for any Maui 1 user via these commands:
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install -q -y -o Dpkg::Options::="--force-confnew" maui-apt-config
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get upgrade
sudo apt-get dist-upgrade
If the last command went through fine, you can also do a cleanup via
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt autoremove
Now any Maui 1 user should be on the exact same base as soon-to-be-released Maui 2.
The updated repository structure (which will be default in Maui 2) provides the user with a new default channel of tested neon packages for Maui instead of directly shipping full 0-day updates right after each release. Any backported packages will further be tested against any current Maui version and become available with a short delay (think of Manjaro vs. Arch). That will allow each user at any point to be served all the latest neon packages of Plasma, Frameworks, Qt and KDE Applications for Xenial LTS by hopping onto the initially #commented backports channels – or to remain on a currently running system by ignoring or disabling backports once again. More on this with the release of Maui 2.
There is also a forums post covering this upgrade: